Like it or not, you are a negotiator
Every day you negotiate, whether at home or at work.
In this episode you will learn how to become a better negotiator. And your teacher is one of the worlds leading experts in conflict resolution:
William Ury is an American author, academic, anthropologist, and negotiation expert. He co-founded the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.
Together with former US president Jimmy Carter, he co- founded the International Negotiation Network, a non-governmental body seeking to end civil wars around the world.
– Former PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER once said that : «Bill Ury has a remarkable ability to get to the heart of a dispute. and find simple but innovative. ways to resolve it.”
Over the last 30 years, William has served as a negotiation adviser and mediator in conflicts ranging from corporate mergers to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. During the 1980s, he helped the US and Soviet governments create nuclear crisis centers designed to avert an accidental nuclear war. In that capacity, he served as a consultant to the Crisis Management Center at the White House.

More recently, William has served as a third party in helping to end a civil war in Aceh, Indonesia, and helping to prevent one in Venezuela. Last but not least, he has been heavily involved in the process of getting to peace in Colombia.
Back in 1981 together with the late Roger Fisher he was the co-author of the classic title Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Getting to yes has been translated into more than 30 languages, and is widely recognized as THE book on negotiation. The book Getting to yes, alone has changed the way countless people negotiate at home with our loved ones, at work with our colleagues, and the way nations negotiate with each other. William Ury has trained tens of thousands of people on how to conduct constructive negotiations. Today he is here to guide and train you in the art of negotiation.
For more information about William Ury, please see
Other sites relevant to this episode
Gabi Planks:
Harvard Program in Negotiation
Some highlights from this episode:
At 5:43 min: How the first steps where taken to get to peace in Colombia
18:50 The negotiations revolution
21:10 What is a BATNA and how does it help you get better results, more easily in a negotiation?
27:00 How does one of the worlds most experienced negotiators prepare?
… and much more!
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Juridisk ABC
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